A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.

A Return to Loveliness 7

Savoring the Beauty of Summer

Summer is the time for life to flourish at its fullest.
Midsummer is the time to enjoy the present and to
Reflect upon the past.
The beauty of moments spent outdoors
on furniture that is not only comfortable
but also beautiful.

Victoria wicker has graced garden and porch
spaces for many years.
Wicker can be simply handcrafted or
Elaborately embellished.


Summer is also a time to bring light into the
indoors by way of decorations.
Rooms can be decorated with
Pieces that have utilitarian uses as
well as aesthetics.


Preserving summer through drying flowers
has been an art and a practice over
a very many years.
Carefully blended oils, herbs and
flowers can create immense satisfaction and


Roses in a garden are at times grand
Stately ladies and at other times
Fairies flitting about delighting with their
whimsy and fragrances. Roses add elegance
to gardens and to one’s lives and homes.