A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.

A Return to Loveliness 17

Appreciating the Finer Things

I believe it was Victoria Magazine that helped me appreciate
the finer things in life. Now, that can be defined quite differently
by very many people. To me, the finer things don't necessarily mean
expensive things, but are those thatyou treasure – appreciate. 
I have appreciated the great effort that
was placed into the making of Victoria Magazine over the years
to make it volumes of timeless appreciation of places, people,
things and values.

Among my treasured 'finer things' you will always find Victoria Magazine. 

I have been collecting vintage books for quite a while now. I am
enthralled when I am presented with a volume from a friend. Most of the
time they are small books with pages dappled with age and time.

A few of the volumes I have collected to share with you today include
inscriptions from friends and loved ones to the happy soul who was the
first recipient of the book.

The opened book in the picture above is a 1901 volume of Walter Scott's
Lady of the Lake. This book was printed by The Macmillan Company
as a study of Scott's work - intended for classroom work and cost $.25 
at the time. This volume makes me think of the movie version, 
Anne of Green Gables, as she was fond of reading and reenacting scenes
from this story.

The book on top is A Class-Book of Old Testament History printed in 1927 
also published by MacMillan and Co. This was obviously well used for there 
is extensive writing within its pages.
Below this book is the Pleasure of Learning by John Ruskin published by
Thomas Y. Crowell & Company. This very thin volume was part of
a series of lectures given in 1884 at Oxford, England entitled, 'The Pleasures of Englad' .
Next is a 1949 volume of John Calvin's 'Instruction in Faith' (1537) another small
textbook well notated.
Following is the book, The Choir Invisible by John Lane Allen published in 1900 also
by The MacMillan Co. 
Finally, the Album a collection of letters and engravings. Inscribed on the first page
is the name Anna Wickinsberg July 27, 1867. This album was compiled by
Moss & Brother in Philadelphia.

Below The Lady of the Lake is Drummond's Addresses. A compilation of 
Henry Drummond's addresses published by Henry Altemus Company in 1898.
Inscribed on the first page is, 'To Jimmie with much love from Mama, Christmas 1904'.
Below that is Ada and Gerty or Hand in Hand Heavenward by Louisa M. Gray  
published by Thomas Nelson and Sons in 1895.

I was enjoying a lovely cup of tea with cream as i lingered over these precious volumes.
I included other things that I appreciate. The last few buds of blooms from some of my 
rosebushes, a delightful apple brought back from apple farms in North Georgia, a sprig
of tarragon that recently burst into bloom and some aged pots I found last week at
Salvation Army.

The book entitled ‘Album’ is filled with letters addressed to an
Anne Wickenberg.

The pages are old and worn and there are engravings protected by
Thin veils of tissue. 
another of the beautiful engravings

The above letter was written by Mamie dated July 2nd 1867

The above letter is simply signed with the initials A R C dated january 11 1871

The above letter is signed Spero dated February 1 1872

bove is a poem entitled and written in the shape of a Cross- no signature - dated September 1 1866

another of the beautiful engravings This letter is addressed

My Daughter and signed by Rose Dale dated August 28, 1866

Perhaps one of my tasks during the long, cold days of Winter
will be to spend time deciphering the writings within this 
sentimental volume. It is fascinating to peruse the carefully penned
and decorative script of that time.

 found pressed in the back the skeleton of
A leaf seemingly imprinted upon.
This is a peak into the Blue Room where I have the privilege to 
have a wonderful built-in bookcase. I have had different methods

to store my collection of Victoria Magazines. 

I believe they have now
found their final home. I will share more as this room continues to come together.

Happily, I received my November/December 2010 issue of Victoria Magazine.
It is reminiscent of the original magazines!
I am definitely in the mood for Christmas! 
This gives me an excuse for another cup of tea and a quiet moment in a cozy corner. 

Wishing you a very Delightsome day!