A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.

A Return to Loveliness

Living Each Day 
With Roses Entwined

In the month of February, several of
the issues of Victoria Magazine
noted the romance of roses.

In the February 2000 issue,
M. F. K. Fisher is quoted as saying, "I think we are all in the same boat: We love roses,
helplessly, stubbornly. If I could be one, I'd be full-blown, with a heart not so full-blown
that there is nothing left but the petals. I'd be like my mother...like the first rose she ever 
spoke of to me: the Frau Karl Druschki--tall, pale, richly perfumed..."

In February 1993, a "House Dedicated to Roses" is introduced. 

'Outside every window, the perfume of roses'. 

"Plant a rosebush every year and you will not have lived in vain".
-Henry Bowen
Also, in the 1993 issue a home with roses enbued in every room 
is explored.

In the 1996 issue Gerry Tandy's shop, Rose Cottage is shared as
well as her home.

Tandy shared that "it took me more than a year to get it right. But now after work,
I open the door and get a wonderful feeling of homecoming.

Known as the City of Love or the City in Pink, Paris is also
known for its gardens and roses. Shops where roses bloom were
shared in the 1995 issue

In the 1994 issue A rose covered house is shown with both real
and painted roses.

A Painter's Sweet Village

A Painter's Sweet Village
French Impressionist painter Henri Le Sidaner described
the Ville de Gerberoy as "a sweet refuge".

In the  1993 issue A rose covered house is shown with both real
and painted roses.
"A breathtaking moment when a rose garden is at its peak always lingers
in the mind's eye." Artist Lee Ames painted cascading roses for a couple
who wished to not wait until spring to enjoy the beauty of the rose.


"She Who Gardens Twice Gardens Best"

Sarah Jempson's story is told revealing how she completed
her garden and had to 'rethink' it following a devastating storm.

Victoria showed also, that the rose's special beauty is not only
in a garden or in a home, but is also when worn. 
These are but a few of the many stories found in the pages
of Victoria magazine praising the queen of the garden, the rose. 

These are but a few of the many stories found in the pages

of Victoria magazine praising the queen of the garden, the rose. 
For some, winter's hold still has its grasp on your garden, and for others
 a hint of spring has been in the air. In the pages of Victoria, we can 
escape to worlds and to times where it can be eternally spring in the heart.

Thank you for visiting!

Wishing you a very Delightsome day,