A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.

A Return to Loveliness

I'll Take Romance
A Return to Loveliness

The pages of the February issues of Victoria Magazine
are among the most romantic.

Romantically composed, the issues invite you
to be their Valentine.

Then you're swept away to 
beautiful scenery of
romantic flowers, lace, table settings
and romantic dining.

February issues are among the most treasured
next to the Christmas issues.

I think Nancy Lindemeyer said it
so well in her "Dear Friends letter
in the 1999 issue. 

"Yes, I do hear a waltz and seek out a slipper moon,
so slim and delicate, and make wishes. I keep close to my heart.
I tarry outside flower-shop windows and gaze at the 
bouquets of roses wrapped in white paper and tied with
luscious red ribbons. I sip champagne and indulge my fancy 
for chocolate. In short, the happiness in my heart
knows no bounds in this month of love and joy.
What better time to admire a glowing bride or a child
with a tiny gold heart around her sweet neck? We romantics
are members of a secret society, and know each other by the 
way our eyes shine on a starry night and how we sway ever
so gently to a band playing old-fashoined love songs."
Nancy Lindemeyer

 Beautiful covers depicting the most romantic of flowers

There is much to find to love in the February issues of Victoria Magazine
I am thrilled with the newest issue, of which I shared a little bit here.
What a glorious month - filled with love, joy and promises.
I hope you find as much loveliness in the issues of Victoria as I do
both past and present.
Happy Valentines,