A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.


Finding Beauty

“Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Going away on vacations is fun, but it is so wonderful to return home. Most especially when you return to the smiling faces of loved ones and to the blessings of home.

We have been experiencing the chilly mornings of Autumn and the days are just perfect. Neither cold nor hot – just right.

I strolled through my garden this afternoon to see that so many of my flowers and roses are still giving me pleasure.

The transition into the seasons can be seen by the change in the color of the leaves and in the presence of seasonal flowers such as the Loquat blossoms, the Marguerite Daisies and the Mexican Sage.

Here and there roses are still blooming. 

I know my son will be pleased at the beauty of the rose, Sheila’s Perfume, that he gifted me last Christmas.

My husband’s Angel Trumpets will soon open, they open late in the season, I think they need a little more sun. Their fragrance is heavenly.

The Crape Myrtle are a must in a Southern Garden. They withstand the heat, drought and humidity and give such wondrous displays.

The Snapdragons are almost perennials here blooming from season to season. They go very well with the Pansies that I will soon be planting to beautify the garden this winter. The Marigolds grew from seeds left from last year's plants.

I placed my annual plants against the house before I left for the weekend – to give them extra protection agains the cold nights. I plan to over-winter my geraniums and hibiscus.

Wishing you a most Delightsome day,