A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.

A Return to Loveliness

"April is the Angel
of the Months"
Vita Sackville-West

In the April issues of Victoria Magazine, 
the English garden was constantly revisited. 

Quite understandable, April is the month in every 
area where Winter lets go of its chilly grasp 

and the stalwart blooms of spring bravely show their
faces to enchant us and to beckon us to come to the garden.

"She walks among the loveliness she made, between the apple-blossom and the water- she walks among the patterned pied brocade, each flower her son, and every tree her daughter."
Vita Sackville-West

"The country habit has me by the heart"
Vita Sackville-West

"A flowerless room is a soulless room, to my way of thinking; but even one solitary little vase of a living flower may redeem it."

Vita Sackville West

Victoria Magazine shared about Vita, "wisdom was gleaned through years of experimenting.She kept copious notebooks full of reminders ('sow pansy seed in spring garden paving'). She translated her love of nature into lengthy poems, "The Land" and "The Garden".

Vita was also creator of the renowned gardens at her home, England's Sissinghurst Castle - now part of their National Trust.

Today we celebrate with Victoria the
'country habit that has so many of us by the heart'.

"It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily

by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of

the moment? for the moment passes, it is forgotten;

the mood is gone; life itself is gone. That is where the

writer scores over his fellows: he catches the changes of his

mind on the hop. Growth is exciting; growth is dynamic and

alarming. Growth of the soul, growth of the mind."

- Vita Sackville-West-

Celebrating gardening, time spent amongst the blossoms,

the birds, the sky and the land. 

Celebrating taking moments of quiet repose -

enjoying a delightsome cup of tea- reading

poetry and Victoria magazine

of glorious places and of glorious gardens.

Taking the time to bring flowers indoors

Quiet moments - our 'quiet centers'.

Thank you so much for your visit,

as always

Wishing you a very Delightsome day,