A compilations of A Return To Loveliness posts from A Delight Life.

A Return to Loveliness


What greater joy can there be in this world than to be a mother.
Some of the most joyous times in my life were the few months
I carried my children close to my heart - when for a time
they were all my own. The bond began.

Then you behold their faces - their eyes look at you
and the bond deepened.
The times their little arms wrapped around your neck,

their first kiss on your cheek,
their tinkling laughter,

when they first call you Mama,
when they fall down and the only one they want to 
comfort them is Mom.
Through all the stages of the child's life to adulthood
we will be Mother - 

which means
sharing special moments,
creating a home filled with laughter and love,
gently and determinedly scolding when necessary,
providing a soft place to land,
providing encouragement and approval.

Providing a firm foundation.
We give of our all to our children
only to let them go to become their own person
to become mothers and fathers themselves.

Our hearts will forever be filled with joy mingled with sorrow.
To be a Mom is the greatest job and the greatest gift God can give a woman.

A moment of reflection - a time for tea - while reading Victoria Magazine.

Victoria Magazine recognized this quite often in the month of May - paying tribute to mothers in several ways.

"Who ran to help me when I fell, and who would some pretty story tell,
or kiss the place to make it well? My Mother" Ann Taylor
(Victoria Magazine 1997)

"Mama's order was heavenly, It had to do with thoroughness... 
and taking plenty of time. It had to do with taking plenty
of time with me". Susannah Lessard
(Victoria Magazine 1998) 

"Before becoming a mother I had a hundred theories
on how to bring up children. Now I have seven children
and only one theory: love them, especially when they least 
deserve to be loved." 
Kate Samperi

"There's much I wish I learned from my mother:
French seams, Southern chicken, patience, painting,
some medicine. For these things I have no aptitude.
But now, a mother myself, I crave a secret or two.
I want a garden, as she does with grace and 
love and skill.
We ordered bulbs together this summer. 
She claims to envy me my tulips. And I? I 
want only this, My son to say one day:
Everything grows in my mother's garden".
Linda Peterson, "Everything Grows in My Mother's Garden"

Catherine Calvert was a frequent contributing author to
Victoria Magazine. She wrote several of the articles on
Mothers. Catherine authored a number of books through Victoria Magazine and co-authored a book with 
one of our favorite Victoria Magazine Contributing Editors,
Tricia Foley

Thank you for joining me this week,
I wish you a very Delightsome week and 
especially a Blessed Mother's Day,

Some images taken from Victoria Magazine 1997, 1998 
paintings Mary Cassatt