With the ebb and flow of the things that you must do each week,
I feel it is very important to take time to feed your romantic heart.
heavy on our minds - life is never stagnant.
That is why, taking time for what calms us, what creates peace in our
hearts - is so very important.
I do love to take time for tea; to listen to soothing music and to read
lovely things.
'Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are
lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and
ifthere is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things.
I found this delightful little book published several years back by
Victoria magazine, 'The Romantic Heart'. I was particularly drawn to
it because one of my favorite paintings by John William Waterhouse
Inside is a compilation of Delightsome photos and poetry that had
been included within the pages of the classic Victoria Magazine.
It is truly a feast for the eyes, heart and mind.
to tend to them a couple weeks back, they began to dry and to fade
to this lovely sepia color.
I love that the Allium heads and the roses tone of color is so very similar.
A previous Vintage Inspiration post by Debra at Common Ground featured
a lovely blogger, Miss Gracie's House. One of the photos shared was a beautiful
portrait of herself and her husband with this quote included. I loved the words
so much that I quickly changed over what I'd originally written and attempted
to recreate the arrangement and font of the words.
portrait of herself and her husband with this quote included. I loved the words
so much that I quickly changed over what I'd originally written and attempted
to recreate the arrangement and font of the words.
nostalgic element and are quite versatile.
I moved temporarily the French Bottle Rack I got from Amy Chalmer's store,
Maison Decor I had already hung some of the dried roses and had changed over
some of the small pitchers with a few of my creamy white teacups.
from season to season.
To enhance the soft whites and the sepia colors already on my desk, I added
one of my white tea sets, some lace and a few saucers.
of The Romantic Heart, I am rejuvenated, restored and ready to enjoy
the day's events - come what may!
A Return to Loveliness
is a blog party I host each week.
To Join
simply create, publish and link the URL specific to that post
to the LINKY provided below. Please link back to this blog
and visit as many participants as you are able.
I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:
Heart and Home
Teacup Tuesday
Make It Pretty Monday
Table Top Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday here and hereTuesday Cuppa Tea
Tabletop Tuesday
Tea in the GardenWhite Wednesday
Tea Cup Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
French Inspiration @ French Inspiration
is a blog party I host each week.
To Join
simply create, publish and link the URL specific to that post
to the LINKY provided below. Please link back to this blog
and visit as many participants as you are able.
I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:
Heart and Home
Teacup Tuesday
Make It Pretty Monday
Table Top Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday here and hereTuesday Cuppa Tea
Tabletop Tuesday
Tea in the GardenWhite Wednesday
Tea Cup Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
French Inspiration @ French Inspiration